Saturday, April 23, 2016

Getting Caught Up

So... I haven't written anything in quite a while... my bad. Really no excuse other than I didn't make the time for it. My bad.

Summary of the last two/three years of teaching:

My first year of teaching at West Hills Middle was stressful and busy. Just trying to get something ready for the next day and keeping grades caught up swallowed up my time. Oh, and I got started on my Master's Degree form University of Saint Mary. And I made solution videos for the assignments I assigned. Why did I do that to myself?

The 2nd year wasn't much better. But I finished my master's. Boo ya! Take that school.

This year it was my goal to not be stressed out anymore. And so I cut back on a lot of things.

And then I went to the NCTM Annual Conference at San Francisco. IT WAS AWESOME!!! (more on that in the next post) Now I'm working on getting active in the Math Twitter Blogosphere.

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