Saturday, April 23, 2016

NCTM Annual Conference 2016 - A Report from Matt part 2

(I tried to find all of the slides, but I'll work on collecting them as time progresses.)

Anyway, now that the conference is over and life is moving on, I should probably make some goals and stuff.

Goals and stuff:

Implement immediately:

  • Self Assessment prior to summative tests. Make/find a form for students to fill out that will help them think about their learning - do they know the material or not? Them give them resources to study. Something like this:

  • Get started on getting students used to talking about math by doing or "create debate" type of smaller tasks.

  • Pick some tasks to try out that will help my students review what we've learned this year.

  • Work towards doing better tasks. Use them to teach. Follow framework from
  • Figure out how to build fluency as well. One suggestion I heard was to pick a higher level task that requires students to do a skill multiple times to find a solution.
  • Re-make assessments to hit higher DOK.
  • Constantly look at class time and pick more efficient activities (spend less time going over homework).

Other thoughts
  • You know, I should keep track of data as I implement tasks. What is the improvement?
  • I should keep a journal/blog of this journey...
  • I should then present at a local conference about my journey.

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