Friday, July 12, 2013

Teaching Philosophy. CMI Framework = Awesome. Why all sides are better than one.

First off, check out this CMI Article. I think this is absolutely brilliant. It puts all the important philosophies to learning mathematics together. A major problem with most teaching frameworks is that there is always too much emphasis on something. Traditionalists emphasize algorithmic skills. Purists emphasize definitions and concepts. Application-ers emphasize models. 

After reading this article, I realized that we need to emphasize all of these things. Too much of any one of them isn't good. I think the Common Core gives us the right standards, we just need to teach them evenly.

So if I'm going to teach everything fairly evenly, what will be my approach? I still favor taking an application-er approach, but perhaps the other focii can be incorporated as to not lack the other things that students should learn.

Your thoughts? How can we emphasize everything? Is there a curriculum that does so?

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