Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I Guess I've Got To Start Somewhere

Sup Y'alls. This is Matt Jones, but the name you call me isn't that important. My students call me Matt, Mr. Matt, Mr. Math Teacher, Hey you!, etc. You can call me Dufus if you really want, but I don't recommend anything that would greatly offend others. They might grab their pitchforks, torches, and come kick your digital butt. Minor offenses are okay though.

Anyways... I'm starting this blog to share my experiences with readers about breaking traditions that teachers have had for many years now - specifically Math teachers. I also want to share resources and ideas I've collected to kick traditional math classes in the face with metal spiked cleats. Many of these resources and ideas won't be my own, but I'll try to give credit where it's due.

All great journeys have to have a beginning. I'll post that next.

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